
Showing posts from July, 2024

Short presentation!

Well, after almost a month, I'm back to writing now, It's 03:44 in the morning. I haven't introduced myself yet, so I thought it would be good to do that before posting what I really want to catalog. Let's go! Hey everyone, dear researchers, or you who fell here by chance, please let me know. I'm called  -ZB5k7Ke5Oof6_6b6AGWF2j_fI3UhqfHUnu45eh8Cx8 , I'm better known as PZ. I am an urban explorer and aspiring photographer, I am 16 years old. I have had supernatural involvement for about 4 years, as I mentioned previously. "It all started when I was two years old and, at the time, I broke my leg without having the slightest idea of ​​what this 'universe' was. At the age of 6, I made a friend who introduced me to this 'universe'. Three years later, I started researching and investigating the matter further, then remembering the incident when I was two years old. From then on, everything changed quickly in about 5 months or less [...]" Soo